Impression of your face can be differentiated only with beautiful lips.

Step 1. Lip peeling patch / callus care.

Step 2. Volume Lip pack / Lip mask (Hyaluronic acid extraction + Collagen extraction care)

Step 3. Honey Lip essence / Nutrition  

Step 1. Put gel side of 100%cotton sheet inside ‘Lip Peeling patch’ on lips. Gently rubbing lips with cotton sheet for callus care. Brush off the remnants on the lips or wash up with tissue or water.

Step 2. Put ‘Hydro-gel patch’ following the lip shape, then slowly remove the patch after 15munites, then lightly tapping with fingertips for further absorption.

Step 3. Spread over ‘Honey Essence’ following the shape of lips. Put additional care for the dry spot.